Coming Soon.
Coming Soon.
I bought a ticket and now I can’t go. Can I get a refund?
We only offer refunds if the entire event is canceled. If you are unable to attend, you may sell or transfer your tickets to someone else. If you need help with this, please contact Tixr via tixr.com.
Can I bring a bag or backpack?​
You may bring bags and backpacks, but they must be searched each time you enter the building. To expedite this process, please have all bags open/unzipped before you reach the door.​
Are there items I can’t bring into the show?​
We do not allow firearms, knives, real swords unable to be peace bonded to a sheath, wooden or metal bats, stun guns, tasers, lighters, or vapes. We also reserve the right to refuse any item our security team or the police feel would be unsafe in a convention environment. The venue also does not allow outside food or drink unless deemed medically necessary.If you buy an item from a vendor not normally allowed into the convention (sword, knife, etc), it must remained in a taped box while you are inside the event, or you can take it to your vehicle.
What are the cosplay rules?​
Please click here for all rules and regulations concerning cosplay.
Still have questions? Feel free to CONTACT US.

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